Indian Independence Act

Louis Mountbatten e1690396700278

Table of Contents

  • The Indian Independence Act (18 July 1947) is an Act passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom which divided British India into two new independent dominions i.e. India and Pakistan, as proposed in the 3rd June Plan or Mountbatten Plan.


  • The division will be effective from 15 August 1947.
  • Bengal and Punjab provinces will be divided.
  • Constituent Assemblies of the two new countries will have the complete legislative authority to make laws for that dominion.
  • End of British suzerainty over the princely states, with effect from 15 August 1947. These princely states were free to join either India or Pakistan.
  • The Act abolished the office of the viceroy and establish a new office, a Governor-General.
  • The boundaries of the new dominion were to be determined, by a boundary commission to be appointed by the Governor-General.

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