The Textile Industry in India [2024]: A Comprehensive Overview

Textile Industry in India

Introduction: Textile Industry in India

India is one of the world’s largest producers of textiles and apparel, playing a crucial role in the global textile market. The industry significantly contributes to the nation’s economy, providing employment to millions and driving substantial export revenues.

Textile Industry in India at a Glance

Economic Contribution

  • India’s textile and apparel industry contributes approximately 2.3% to the country’s GDP, 13% to industrial production, and 12% to exports.
  • India holds a 4% share in global trade in textiles and apparel.
  • The domestic industry is expected to reach $250 billion in production and $100 billion in exports by 2030.
GDP Contribution2.3%
Industrial Production Contribution13%
Export Contribution12%
Global Trade Share in Textiles and Apparel4%
Source: Invest India
Textile Industry in India


  • The textile and apparel industry is the second-largest employer in India, providing direct employment to 45 million people and another 100 million in allied industries.
  • The sector’s growth is crucial for employment generation, particularly in rural areas.


  • India’s textile exports are expected to reach $65 billion by FY26, growing at a 10% CAGR to $190 billion by 2025-26.
  • The sector holds a 10.33% share in India’s overall export basket for 2021-22.
  • The U.S. is the top export destination, followed by the European Union, Bangladesh, and the UAE.
Export TargetValue
FY26 Textile Export Target$65 billion
2025-26 Projected Export$190 billion
Share in India’s Export Basket (2021-22)10.33%
Textile Industry in India
Top Export DestinationsPercentage Share
European Union (EU)18%
Textile Industry in India

Man-Made Fibres and Technical Textiles

  • The global market for man-made fibers is growing, driven by factors such as increasing use in technical textiles, changing consumer trends, and rising demand for sportswear and fashion wear.
  • India is focusing on expanding its MMF sector through the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme, aiming to enhance the production of MMF apparel, fabrics, and technical textiles.
MMF SegmentProduction Share (Volume Terms)
Global MMF Market Ranking6th

Production Highlights
India is a leading producer of various natural and synthetic fibers:

  • Cotton and Jute: India is among the largest producers globally.
  • Silk: India is the second-largest producer of silk, contributing to 95% of the world’s hand-woven fabric.
  • Man-Made Fibres (MMF): India is the second-largest producer of polyester and viscose. The MMF industry accounts for about 94% of the total man-made fiber production, with polyester dominating the segment.

FDI in the Textile Sector
India allows 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) through the automatic route in the textile and apparel sector. The industry has attracted over $4.47 billion in FDI from April 2000 to March 2024. There are significant investment opportunities, particularly in MMF textiles, where India ranks sixth globally in exports.

Read More: FDI in India

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